
Pycharm community anaconda
Pycharm community anaconda

If you don’t like these long articles like the author, you can click enter all the time to get through this stage quickly: Next, you will enter a long period of service terms. You will enter the anaconda installation interface.Īt this point, we have entered the command line installation interface:Īccording to the prompt, just press enter to continue the installation. After getting the file anaconda2-5.2.0-linux-x86_.sh (because the author has installed Python 3, here use Python 2 as an example), open the terminal in the current folder and input the command:

#Pycharm community anaconda download

We go to Anaconda’s official website to download the installation package of anaconda, and choose according to our own operating system, number of bits and python version used. The above excerpt from Baidu Encyclopedia. If you only need some packages, or need to save bandwidth or storage space, you can also use miniconda, a smaller distribution (only including CONDA and python). Because it contains a large number of science packages, Anaconda has a large download file (about 531 MB). Of course, if there is no problem with Ubuntu’s own python, you can skip the installation of anaconda.Īnaconda refers to an open source Python distribution, which contains more than 180 science packages such as CONDA, Python and their dependencies. In order to help young people quickly build their own Python environment, the author wrote this tutorial.

pycharm community anaconda

Especially in the past month, all of the lab’s partners have been devoted to python. There are multiple versions of Python in Ubuntu system, so it is inevitable to encounter errors in environment variables when using it, especially when running scripts automatically.

Pycharm community anaconda